+911892223000. +911892223002

Project Objective

Project objective is to minimize and/or mitigate risks of climate change and its negative impacts, increase in biodiversity of the treated Himalayan ecosystems and sustained income in rural areas by sustainable management of natural resources.

Project Goal

  1. 1.  To make the forests resilient to the risks of climate change.(RESILIENT)
  2. 2.  To enhance the adaptive capacities of local communities to cope up with the negative impacts of climate change.(ADAPTIVE)
  3. 3.  To sustain the climate resilience of forest ecosystem and adaptive capacities of the local communities.(SUSTAINABLE)

Project Approach

1.  Participatory planning and implementation at village level (micro-planning).

2.  Beneficiary Contribution.

3.  Incentive for continued protection of rehabilitated forest stands via saving book approach.

4.  Capacity building of project implementation partners & stakeholders.

5.  Convergence of funds at village level with central and state government programmes.