+911892223000. +911892223002

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase


  • Awareness Generation
  • Identification of Forest Dependent Communities & Needs
  • Facilitation for Formation of VFMS and Elections
  • Regular Meetings with VGOs / women opinion makers
  • Support VGOs for Mobilizing People
  • Ensuring Percolation of Information to the Root Level
  • Help in preparing 6-monthly Plan
  • Liasioning with DPMUs/RO for Micro-plan Implementation
  • Take part in VFMS Level Monitoring during Execution of Work
  • Facilitation for Project Monitoring and Collection of Data
  • Identification of Training Needs
  • Identification of Income Generation Activities
  • Random Checking of UGs
  • Facilitation for Convergence
  • Regular Meetings with VFMS/User Groups
  • Regular Meetings with VGOs
  • Submit monthly progress reports to the RO / DPMU
  • Maintain Proceeding Register
  • Maintain Beneficiary Share Register
  • Regular Meetings with VGO
  • Assist in Preparation of Implementation & Self Check Reports
  • Assist in Preparation of Reimbursement Claim
  • Conflict Resolution

Roles and Responsibilities- Village Group Organizers

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase


  • Create Awareness about the Project
  • Involve Villagers/Stakeholders for Sustainable Management of the Forest Area
  • Participate and facilitate in PRA and Village Planning Exercise
  • Assist Forest Frontline Staff in Social Mobilization.
  • Assist in Formation of User Groups
  • Maintain and Update Village Record
  • Mobilize and Conduct Regular Meetings with VFMS/User Groups
  • Write Proceedings/Minutes of the Meetings and Maintain Records
  • Attend monthly VFMS EC meeting with the Facilitator
  • Take part in the VFMS monitoring during execution of works
  • Identification of Income Generation Activities
  • Assist Facilitator in Preparation of Monthly Reports
  • Assist in Preparation of Implementation & Self Check Reports
  • Assist in Preparation of Reimbursement Claim
  • Collection of Data as Required

Roles and Responsibilities- Project Support Coordinators
1.  Preparation of Forest Management Plan and Micro Plan.
2.  Submission of Six-Monthly Plan.
3.  Technical Facilitation in Implementation of Micro Plan.
4.  Revision of Costing Tables, if required.
5.  Preparation and Submission of Implementation Reports.
6.  Preparation and Submission of Self-Check Reports (both 100% physical check and 80% survival check).
7.  Preparation and Submission of Reimbursement Claim.
8.  Apprising DPMU regarding VFMS-wise Progress of ongoing Activities.
9.  Submission of Monthly Progress Report.

Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager(Training and Capacity Building)
1.  To prepare annual action plan for formation, development and strengthening of VFMS and other grass root institutions.
2.  To develop performance indicators for community participation in components of the Project.
3.  To regularly visit field and conduct regular training need assessment of different of different stakeholders & prepare training annual action plan.
4.  Prepare comprehensive training and capacity building plan by consolidating schedule and efforts of other technical professional such as NRM, Livelihood, Monitoring and Evaluation Experts.
5.  To plan, coordinate and facilitate trainings of project staff at all levels, VFMS, User Groups, SHGs etc.
6.  To facilitate capacity building of stakeholders in micro-planning and activities related to community participation, livelihoods, income generation activities.
7.  To lead the project team in the design, preparation, appraisal and supervision of multi-sectoral operations under livelihood, environment, rural development, natural resource management sector.
8.  To identify need-based locations for exposure visits of the stakeholders within and outside the state.
9.  To identify training institutions and experts within & outside the state and liaise with them for conducting trainings.
10.  To organize exposure visits of the project staff and project beneficiaries within and outside the state.
11.  To submit monthly reports on capacity building and future action plans for appropriate fund allocation.
12.  Any other duty assigned by the CPD.

Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager(Monitoring and Evaluation)
1.  To develop logical framework for the project and finalize the project monitoring indicators in consultation with PMC, SPMU and DPMU.
2.  To develop and implement project monitoring and evaluation strategy & guidelines for all project components including savings book approach.
3.  To set up M&E systems across project for regular data collection through paper-based formats.
4.  To develop tools for self-monitoring by the village communities for forestry and other activities under project.
5.  To work closely with the other officials in project and third party to identify and address any bottlenecks, constraints, challenges and opportunities in project implementation.
6.  To facilitate and support third party monitoring and evaluation of the project components & ensure timely submission of reports.
7.  To follow up and organize periodic joint performance review meetings with SPMU, PMC, DPMU & third-party monitors.
8.  To conduct regular monitoring field visits to ensure timely and quality implementation of Project vis-à-vis approved plans and contracts with the involvement of the relevant colleagues, local and regional authorities.
9.  To ensure that M&E activities are harmonized into the state M&E framework.
10.  To develop M&E activities knowledge products based on lessons learn, experience and data generated through project implementation.
11.  To identify success stories and best practices learnt from the project implementation and ensure proper documentation and dissemination.
12.  To provide training and guidance to the project staff and to develop work plans and monitor achievements.
13.  To prepare half-yearly and yearly progress reports.
14.  To collate monthly progress reports from the DPMUs.
15.  Any other duties assigned by CPD.

Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager(Plantation and Nurseries)

1.  Nodal officer for model nurseries, mid-term review, saving book approach and for monitoring/scrutiny of related subjects/reports received from DPMUs.
2.  Nursery guidelines, procurement plan, finance and procurement guidelines.
3.  Any other duties assigned by CPD.